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Episode 13: Of Mice, Men and a KiddEpisode 12: The Things You Can Do with UmbrellasEpisode 11: Old School with a TwistEpisode 10: Mirror Mirror and Money MoversEpisode 9: Spiked Table and Spiked FacesEpisode 8: From the Exotic to Defying the Law of PhysicsEpisode 7: Dancing Broomstick, Fast Coins, and One Giant BuzzsawEpisode 6: Warped, Wacky and WeirdEpisode 5: Technological Beverages and Rapid-Fire CardsEpisode 4: Maximum Separation and Chipper's ChipperEpisode 3: Manipulation, Transformation and Two ImpalersEpisode 2: Turbo Tech Magic and Card ConnectionEpisode 1: Crazy, Crazy Cards and Silly SilhouettesEpisode 00: Christmas Magic
Masters Of Illusion - Season 4
Some of the world's top magicians perform their best illusions in front of a live audience, without assistance from camera or computer gimmickry.
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